Do we possess the capacity for love? How can we tell whether someone truly cares for us? People demonstrate their appreciation for us by giving us gifts, complimenting us, going above and beyond for us, remaining loyal to us, demonstrating their respect for us, stopping others from speaking poorly of us, and praising us in front of others. And we follow suit for those we care about. Do we not?

But is this all actually genuine love? Or is it merely a sign of love? These deeds could not even be motivated by love. True love is indescribable. You would be aware that an animal may love you in its own special manner. People cannot always see the numerous ways that love appears.

Often, we gauge love through meaningless, momentary gestures that need to be repeated and outdone constantly, day-after-day, in today’s fragile relationships. Ironically, Valentine’s Day, which is supposed to be a day of unending love, has progressively turned into a weeklong celebration of unfulfilled expectations, during which young people desperately try to show their love for one another by doing meaningless things like giving each other hugs, chocolates, and roses. With one of the most successful advertising campaigns ever, worry and anxiety are rampant among these young and desperate, culturally hypnotized youngsters!

Our true nature is love. This is how consciousness functions. Those who are warm and capable of giving enormous love are those who love themselves. They don’t have to go through a seven-day ritual of giving each other embraces, chocolates, and roses to establish their love. Unfortunately, those who believe they are unable to love are the ones who turn to these actions for approval. They fear deep closeness and don’t truly love themselves. Hence, a frenzy of pointless gifts and actions masks their inherent awkwardness.