How to Connect to Light in Meditation During the Dark Seasons

As we prepare for a partial hibernation, the darker seasons of fall and winter offer a unique time for introspection. Because the sun has set earlier, we get weary early at night and might dim the lights in the house to maintain a sense of the season.

It may be simpler to calm the senses and focus inside when the outside world is completely obscured by darkness. Here are a few meditation techniques that, should you choose to meditate with friends or utilize the Chopra App, can make you feel good on the inside, help you discover the deeper truth of who you really are, and keep you connected to the community.

Meditation on loving-kindness (Metta)

Put yourself in a relaxed sitting position. To calm down, take a few deep breaths. Spend some time grounding yourself in the present before beginning a lovingkindness (metta) meditation. Take a few moments to take in your surroundings, your physical and mental state, and your thoughts as you take in the scene. then savor the advantages of connection, self-love, and compassion that result from this practice.

You will begin the practice by sending oneself lovingkindness, which is the English translation of the Pali term “metta.” Metta means kindness in other languages. It is the friendly, kind, and compassionate energy. You will first transmit this energy to yourself before sending it to other individuals and finally to all living things. The technique is to select words that express the positive affirmations you give to yourself.

To calm down, take a few deep breaths. Spend some time grounding yourself in the present before beginning a lovingkindness (metta) meditation. Take a few moments to take in your surroundings, your physical and mental state, and your thoughts as you take in the scene. then savor the advantages of connection, self-love, and compassion that result from this practice.

You will begin the practice by sending oneself lovingkindness, which is the English translation of the Pali term “metta.” Metta means kindness in other languages. It is the friendly, kind, and compassionate energy. You will first transmit this energy to yourself before sending it to other individuals and finally to all living things. The technique is to select words that express the positive affirmations you give to yourself.